Conference Chairs

Patrícia Coelho


Councillor in the Municipality of Castelo Branco, with the responsability of the Environment, Education, Smart Cities, Green Spaces, Youth, Economic Development and Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Also responsable for the FUSILLI Project. 

PhD in Biomedicine, Master in Social-organizacional intervention in Health; Specialist in Community Health and Clinical Practice for more than 10 years.

Associate Professor in the Superior Scholl of Health of Castelo Branco.

Christophe Espírito Santo

Since 2022, Scientific Technical Director of the Associação Centro de Apoio Agro Alimentar (CATAA), with functions of outlining the technical-scientific strategy of the institution and managing a team composed of 6 administration technicians (project management , financial, public procurement, legal and human resources), 12 senior laboratory technicians (graduates, masters and doctorates with responsibilities in the areas of microbiology and molecular biology, physical chemistry, sensory, development of new products and food technologies, nutrition and communication ), 2 Masters and 1 PhD students.

Inês Brandão

Head of Microbiology and Molecular Biology laboratories at Centro de Apoio Tecnológico Agro Alimentar (CATAA, Portugal), where she is involved in research, provision of analytical services and supervision of students. Additionally, she participates in the design of clinical trials with nutritional interventions and is deeply interested in the impact of foods on gut microbiota.