
Endophytic microbiomes of susceptible plants to Xylella fastidiosa infection

III International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics

Aplicação de Atmosferas controladas na conservação pós colheita da castanha

IV Simpósio da Castanha, Vila Real, Portugal. 2022.

Prémio de Melhor Poster🥇

Crispy orange A multi-purpose ready-to-eat snack

Innovation in Mediterranean Traditional Foods: novel products and processes. Bragança, Portugal. 2022.

Prémio de Melhor Poster🥇

How Cynara cardunculus ecotypes affect the production of Castelo Branco PDO cheese- A case study

XVI Encontro Química dos Alimentos, Castelo Branco, Portugal. 2022.

Quince evaluation for production of unfiltered vinegar

Dare2Change, Porto, Portugal. 2023.

How dehydration affects the Strawberry Tree Fruit

Dare2Change, Porto, Portugal. 2023. Menção Honrosa 🥇

The Kombucha Secret - Scoby's Microbiome Study and Probiotic Bacteria Identification

Dare2Change, Porto, Portugal. 2023.

Quality of Beira Baixa “Queijo Amarelo” (Yellow Cheese) P.D.O. - Effect of Production Season on Microbiological Quality

Dare2Change, Porto, Portugal. 2023.

Nutritional characteristics and minerals of Lardosa cowpea landraces : a strategic legume species for the future

Dare2Change, Porto, Portugal. 2023.